Craigslist: The Place Where You Can Find Anything
I’ve had some adventures on Craigslist before. I’ve sold stuff, bought stuff, placed personal ads and even found my good friend Eve on there! And now I am back for more. I bought two tickets to an upcoming concert that I’ve been dying to go to for the past few years. The problem is that…
Family Weekend Recap
I’m back from my family weekend and only a little sunburned, yay! My US relatives came up for a visit this weekend–we haven’t seen them since Thanksgiving of last year. It was nice to see my aunt and cousins again, though we didn’t really do much. I introduced my cousin to spicy pad thai (he…
It’s Pedicure Season!
The sun is out, the weather is warm and our feet are exposed to the masses. This time of year it is high season for the pedicure. Whether you prefer hot pink, French or natural, most of us are getting our hobbit feet cleaned up, if they haven’t been already! But did you bargain for…
She’s in the Hospital
I just got a call from that friend who ditched me last night. Apparently she is in the hospital and needs me to pick her up as they won’t let her go without someone there with her. And she can’t or won’t get her family to pick her up. She didn’t tell me much, but…
Pissed and Put-Out
I just had a friend call me at 10pm asking to crash at my place. It seems she was caught in between moving in and out of an apartment. She was going to stay with her sister but her sister cancelled…. Ok I’m really pissed about this and just had a convo with another friend…
Adventures with Accutane: A Follow-Up
Wow. Today is officially the first day that my skin has been clear enough for me to go without makeup. I spent a good 5 minutes this morning debating whether I should put a little makeup on or not. It was a bit of a surreal experience. I’ve written before on how my skin has…
1st Prize: Amazon Gift Certificate
This coming weekend is July the 4th, Independence Day for the United States. Most Canadians don’t celebrate this holiday, but I am not most Canadians. I’m actually half ‘n half; I have Canadian citizenship by birthright, and American citizenship by bloodright. Growing up it was a mix of the two cultures. My dad’s side is…
Celebrate the Summer and Win Prizes!
To thank all of my valued and loyal readers (and the new ones too!) and to celebrate my big comeback I decided to pull some strings and call in some favours to do something special. So what does special mean to me? PRIZES!!!! If you’ve been keeping up with my Twitter feed (@gingercorsair, y’all!) you’d…
A Triumphant Return
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes… I have returned with a fresh new look and outlook! As many of you know, I encountered some problems when my blogging life was exposed in my real life. It caused me a lot of trouble and was completely unnecessary, in my opinion. I was in hot water…
On Hiatus
Hello my darling readers. You may have noticed that the blog is currently closed right now. Some of you have expressed concern that you might have offended me in some way and I have locked you out–however this is not the case! A privacy issue has come up in real life, and in order to…