Think in Pink?
Spring must be in the air… I am finding myself oddly attracted to pink again! Today I volunteered at a marketing conference all day, and in return they gave me a $50 gift card for the Eaton Centre! Yay! So I went with my coworker N to blow our cards on something frivolous. We were…
Schtickers Love!
Ok, I was browsing The Windowshoppist not long ago, and she had a post featuring a seriously cool laptop sticker from Schtickers.com. I can’t believe I did this, but I actually bought one ($24 after shipping & conversion), and I applied it today! I totally fell in love with the fine art schticker of Flaming…
Can you live without TV?
Dear FB wrote an excellent post the other day on the true costs of watching and owning a TV. I thought this was a truly excellent post because I, myself have realized the cost savings of not having cable. When my roommate and I moved in, she had already been without TV for a while.…
Bloody + Hell
aha! It isn’t what you think! I’ll bet you thought I was speaking negatively about something… you’d be wrong! I just got back from Evil Dead: The Musical and I’m covered in ooey gooey sticky blood and it’s fantastic! I am not a big fan of musicals most of the time, but this really knocked…
Earth Hour 2008
I’m participating in Earth Hour 2008. Are you? ————— This post written by Ginger at Ginger Won’t Snap. Like what you read? subscribe here!
Best Health Event
So! I am writing this and I must say I look absolutely gorgeous, dahhhling! Why the big head, you ask? Well my friends, I just got back from the Best Health Magazine launch at Muzik Club. Let me tell you, that place is pretty damn swanky! Apparently all the stars hang out there when they’re…
Hi Ginger, and thanks
Hey guys, I found a nice little email in my inbox this morning! Chris Winter, the big cheese over at We Conserve sent me a thank-you note for posting about the site here recently. Apparently a good number of you checked the site out, I think that’s great because we need to support causes like…
Going Green: Part 3 – We Conserve and My Footprint
I was walking down the street yesterday and found my eyes resting on a delightfully green and blue poster advertising something really cool! If you live in Toronto or the surrounding area, a movement called We Conserve is hosting a few free community workshops on how you can become more green through personal conservation and…
I <3 Swag Bags
I’ve been getting some free stuff at work lately, so I thought I’d dedicate a post to some of the cool things I receive as part of my job. I get asked about it quite a bit. Most of you have probably seen me mention that I work in advertising/media. My job basically entails taking…