Contact Me
Email/gChat: gingercorsair (at) gmail (dot) comTwitter: @gingercorsair Readers/Bloggers Dear Readers & Bloggers, I love hearing from you! Please give me a shout for: Questions & comments about me or my blog Interest in guest posting on Ginger Won’t Snap, or if you’d like me to contribute to your blog Interest in exchanging links and getting…
Reader Survey
This is for all of my readers out there! As part of my 2009 goals I said I wanted to work on improving my blog. The easiest way for me to get started is by asking YOU, the readers what you think about the blog and how to improve it. To that effect, I have…
New Year, New Goals?
It seems a lot of people are laying down their various goals for the year in their blogs. I’ve seen everything from personal finance goals to health, beauty, relationship goals and so forth. It got me thinking: I don’t really do goals. But maybe this is the time to change it? Things in life are…
5th Picture in the 5th Folder Meme
The lovely Mama Bear at I’ve Got A Little Space to Fill has tagged me with a meme! The object of the meme is to post the 5th picture in the 5th folder of your pictures folder… however my 5th folder did not have a 5th picture! I also don’t want to show my face…
Ginger’s Tip Featured on FruGal
Check it out guys, FruGal has included a personal finance tip from me over on her blog post: Top Payday Moneysaving Tips. She’s compiled a pretty good list of tips and it’s definitely worth a read! ————— This post written by Ginger at Ginger Won’t Snap. Like what you read? subscribe here!
Somebody *hearts* me
I am touched and honoured to have received the “I *heart* Your Blog” Award from Mama Bear at I’ve Got A Little Space To Fill. It’s always nice to be appreciated! By receiving this award, I have to pass it on in turn to 7 other blogs that I love. This is going to be…
How do you process information?
I love being organized, and organizing. I think if I really tried, I could be a professional organizer. I stumbled across this awesome blog: The Unclutterer. Right now there’s a great post about learning about how you process information, and how you can apply that knowledge to organizing your life. Check it out and let…
Do I deserve a raise?
The topic of raises at work has been circulating around the Blogosphere a lot recently, and it got me thinking. I’m due for a “salary review” in July, and I have no idea what to do about it. At my last job I really had no idea what I was doing and I hated the…
Submit Your Blog for Link Love
Hey folks, Taking the cue from my presentation on the Blogosphere and Netiquitte, I think I’m going to start doing some Link Love posts in here. Problem is, I don’t really know a lot of blogs! I’m looking to expand my reading and find some more blogs of interest. If you’d like to be featured…