Ahhh, excitement abounds!
My mysterious disappearances lately can be attributed to an upcoming photo shoot of my apartment.
Airbnb.com, the service I use to promote my B&B is sending its top hosts a professional photographer to take shots of the properties for use on the listing pages. This way, travelers will know that what they see is what they get when they book, as verified by the company.
I think this is a great concept, even though it is extremely similar to one that I submitted to them a while ago. I don’t know whether to be upset that they’re using my idea or flattered. Hmm. I think I would prefer to be paid for it.

In any case, since the beginning of March (when my roommate left) I have been furiously updating my space. New furniture, paint and deep, deep cleaning (omg old houses get SO dirty SO fast!).
Every night I am cleaning something, rearranging something or planning out my next move. I’ve drafted friends and family to help me with things like painting, picture hanging and general repairs, and my granddad has generously donated a really nice bed & furniture to my cause.
I’ve been totally consumed by this… but I think that it’s not just because of the photo shoot. Sure, I want my home to look its best that day, but I’ve also been purging and decluttering as I go along which leads me to think I’m trying to get my whole life cleaned out, too.
With my upcoming unemployment I definitely looking for a fresh start. So many years I have been unhappy. Unhappy with my job, my living situation, the seeming lack of control in my life. And you know what?
I’m over it.
I’m tired of being unhappy. I have some fantastic friends now that I wouldn’t trade the world for, and I want to pull a Madonna and reinvent myself. I’m gaining independence, confidence and insight, and losing weight, fear of the unknown and negativity.
I will always face challenges, but I’m hoping that with a clean break from my old life I can start to tackle them in different, more successful ways.
I guess it’s not just my house that is getting a makeover. It’s me, too!
6 responses to “Multi-Makeovers”
w00tw00t! I'm so glad to hear that you're over being bummed. We can get stuck in that, for sure, and it takes a lot to move out of it. Hooray for being happy!
"I’m tired of being unhappy."
That is great! Ryan had the same "discovery" last year when he quit his job to work as an entrepreneur. It takes guts, but I am glad you are making over your life, house, and everything else. At the end of the day you will be so much happier!
You are amazing! I love that you are rediscovering/reinventing/renovating your place and your life. You can read that confidence, and the desire to move onward and upward with everything, in the posts as of late!
Can't wait to see where this fresh start takes you!
w00tw00t! I'm glad to hear that you're ready to get out of the rut. It can be so hard to move out of the dumps when we get in there. Hooray for happies!
Wow, I didn’t know you were a AirB&B host! While I’ve never used it before, I’ve been Couchsurfing since 2009 and hope that when I have my own apartment/house in the future, I’ll also become an AirB&B host too 🙂
Funny, my boyfriend is also quitting his job in Toronto too. His last day is April 1st, but it’s not a joke!
*cheers you on with pom poms* Ra-Ra! q^__^p