I have recently embarked on a quest to get myself healthier, taking one baby step at a time.
I don’t really eat well currently, and I’m not exercising enough, either! But I know that if I make any big, sweeping changes in my life I’ll soon give up and go back to my old ways. The key for me is to make small, effective changes that I can incorporate easily into my lifestyle and eventually cause them to become habit (it takes about 3 months of doing something to make it a habit).
As most of you who have been following me know, I recently started taking a product called Greens+ by Genuine Health to help give me an energy boost. I’ll admit it! I was influenced by some of the other blogs out there writing about it, but I knew people who had used it in the past as well. So I picked some up not long ago and have been doing a “test run” to see if it’s any good.
So far, so good!
I’ve been feeling slightly more energetic and more focused, too. The 3pm slump doesn’t hit me so hard and I feel a little bit happier than I think I did before. Its not a miracle food or anything, but it performs well enough for me to recommend it to you. Which is more than I can say for all the other weird superfoods I’ve tried… (don’t ask!)
One thing I really like about Genuine Health is that they’re a Canadian company. It’s important to me to support Canadian business, especially with all the giant American corporations bullying their way into our economy (I still love ya, but you’re all bullies!). Genuine Health also uses top quality ingredients and goes organic whenever possible. Obviously this means a great deal when you have to ingest the stuff for your health!
So this is why I am pleased to announce that I am able to give away two totally stellar Genuine Health prize packs to two lucky readers! And the best part? Both Canadians and Americans can participate!
Here’s what you’ll win:
- Canadian gift basket, retail value $150
Canadian Gift Basket
- US Gift Basket, retail value $150
US Gift Basket
TO ENTER: I want to know what small steps you take everyday to improve your health & well-being. Leave a comment including whether you live in Canada or the US!
For Extra Entries do one or all of the following:
(but leave a separate comment for each!)
Subscribe to my RSS
Blog about this giveaway, with a link back to me.
Share your Happy Place on GenuineHealth.com & post it in the comments
Tweet the following (or something similar) and leave the link to your tweet in the comments
“RT: @gingercorsair Win 1 of 2 @GenuineHealth prize packs from GingerWontSnap.com! Enter now! http://bit.ly/1io1AR“
This contest is open to Canadian and US residents until October 31st 2009. Winners will be chosen from the comments via random.org.
73 responses to “Get Healthy (& WIN!) With Genuine Health!”
I like the new layout..nice and simple and the orange is good.
Would love to win this to be able to try the competitions product. When I’m being really healthy I use “Progressive” greens I believe. Your product sounds similar.
I’ve been trying all year to start getting healthy again but the only thing I keep managing to do is park as far away from the store door as I can when I go shopping and walking when we go golfing.
I’ve had you RSS;d for awhile now and my happy place shared at Genuine Health is : any golf course
Never will be a twitterer even for another entry 🙂
Been meaning to get blogging again so maybe will pick it up again by the 31st 🙂
Funny how after I enter a nice long comment I immediately see the important line right after “(but leave a separate comment for each!)”
Thought I had read carefully! Well maybe you can comment if I need to so before I clutter up your comment board with 2 more comments to get the extra 2 comments.
Thanks Ginger.
This is a good idea…different from the giveaways you usually see. 🙂 I do yoga every other day to try and keep healthy, even if it’s just 15 minutes worth. I don’t eat a lot of processed foods (as many whole fruits and veggies as possible, getting harder now that it’s going to winter!), and I go on bike rides probably once or twice a week. I don’t focus on weight loss (or BMI), but how I feel!
.-= Michelle´s last blog ..Marvelous Monday! =-.
also, I’m already subscribed to your RSS feed via google reader!
.-= Michelle´s last blog ..Marvelous Monday! =-.
andddd (gosh I feel like a comment-whore) here’s the tweet http://twitter.com/declinedesigns/status/5011062776
like the new layout by the way 🙂
.-= Michelle´s last blog ..Marvelous Monday! =-.
yay Ginger! I like your new site! and I looooove this contest. I’ve been wanting to try Greens for a while now but it’s kind of pricey and I didn’t want to buy it only to find out that I might not like it! so pick me pick me! 🙂
Please enter me in the contest for the gift baskets and I live in the U.S.
I have been taking small steps to get healthier as well as I believe small steps are easier to do than to just try one big push:
1. I stopped drinking juice. I know it sounds silly, but I would drink 4-5 glasses of juice a day and those calories add up fast.
2. I take a multivitamin every day PLUS vitamin C on the side.
3. I started hula hooping while I watch tv so I get in 30 minutes of exercise even if I don’t do anything else for the day (easy to hula hoop while watching House Hunters).
4. I open my windows every day (even during the winter…even for 10 minutes) so I can get fresh air.
.-= Lulu´s last blog ..What I Am Doing To Reduce Debt And Expenses Before 2009 Ends =-.
I love the new site and I’m super excited about this contest. I (try) to go to the gym 3-4 times a week, mostly to the group classes, I’ve realized I don’t do so well trying to work out on my own, so the group classes provide the motivation I need to not just give up when the going gets tough. I also take the stairs at work most days and walk to my mailbox rather than drive like most of the other tenants… baby steps, right? I’ve also tried to eat healthier and bring my lunch every day, otherwise I’d probably eat hamburger’s from the deli downstairs every day!
Also, I live in the US and just subscribed to your blog via google reader.
Keep staying on the track you’re on, I think you’re doing great!
I live in the US and I’m not a bully! I support US AND Canadian companies whenever possible. If it’s independently owned then it gets a big plus in my book. In the past year or so I’ve tried to get back on the exercising wagon, to varying degrees of success. Also, I’ve been watching what I eat more–trying to eat more veggies, etc., less processed cereal and the like. It’s hard when BF can eat ANYTHING, though, and not gain weight.
Woot great contest!!! I am also liking the new blog design – chic, simple and fresh.
I try to get outside at LEAST once a day for some fresh air and natural light. I think both of those are terribly important in staying healthy!
I’m a Canadian!
.-= Rina´s last blog ..The Cake Slice October 09 – Cinnamon Pecan Coffee Cake =-.
I subscribe to your feed!!
.-= Rina´s last blog ..The Cake Slice October 09 – Cinnamon Pecan Coffee Cake =-.
.-= Rina´s last blog ..The Cake Slice October 09 – Cinnamon Pecan Coffee Cake =-.
Great contest.
I am not sure if this helps but I routinely take a multivitamin everyday. I’ve always wondered if I should be taking one that’s targeted at vegetarians.
& Canadian over here.
.-= Rags2Riches´s last blog ..Work Health Benefits =-.
& I subscribe to your feed…
.-= Rags2Riches´s last blog ..Work Health Benefits =-.
Squee! I’ve been wanting to get some of these since the craze started a month or so ago in the blogsphere. It’s awesome that you’ve had a good experience with the greens; I like knowing that someone I trust can say good things about a product.
As for what I’m doing to stay healthy: We’ve decided that, even though it’s more expensive, we’re going to buy more whole foods (squash is in season!) and as little prepackaged stuff as possible. I’m also kicking the soda/caffiene in favor of more water and it’s going great!
Thanks for doing the giveaway, hun, and I love the new layout. <3
Oh, I also sub to your feed. (It’s delicious).
And I’m in Canada. :3
I love EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)! For those who don’t know, it is an acupressure-like method that involves tapping on certain points on the body while making statements aloud about the physical or emotional problems at hand. It has helped me out SO many times, in all sorts of situations!
Also – tea. All different kinds, at all different times of day. Makes me feel soooo much better.
(& I’m Canadian!)
Tweet: http://twitter.com/forgivemeology/status/5029865686
I live in the US.
Apart from going to the gym 3-4 times a week, I try to take the stairs each time. I am a vegetarian and I try to eat organic (as long as my budget gives! :-))
I would love to win this one
Social comments and analytics for this post…
This post was mentioned on Twitter by declinedesigns: RT: @gingercorsair Win 1 of 2 @GenuineHealth prize packs from GingerWontSnap.com! Enter now! http://bit.ly/1io1AR…
The little things I do:
– eliminate as much soda, artificial drinks as possible. (Basically I drink water 90% of the time, with a daily coffee or tea or milk.)
– make sure all the foods I’m eating are whole grain, or at least unbleached wheat flour.
– I’ve been regularly checking foods to make sure they don’t have high fructose corn syrup in them
– incorporating more fruits & veggies in to my diet
-learning how to prep & cook said veggies so that I WILL EAT THEM.
Considering this last year, it wasn’t unusual for me to eat out 2x a day, these have been great steps!
They’re little steps, but it’s amazing the difference they’ve made!
.-= Ashe Mischief´s last blog ..OhMiBod Review: Freestyle Wireless Vibes =-.
+ 1 — I do subscribe to your RSS feed.
.-= Ashe Mischief´s last blog ..OhMiBod Review: Freestyle Wireless Vibes =-.
Tweeted here (and I’m a US entry!)
.-= Ashe Mischief´s last blog ..OhMiBod Review: Freestyle Wireless Vibes =-.
I’m us resident. I just recently did a blog post about the fact that I’ve lost 8 pounds but I’ve still got a long haul ahead of me. Not that I’m really big but I have a vision of a better, healthier me and like you, i’m taking baby steps towards getting there. I can use all the help I can get! I’m a wife and mother to a 9 yo daughter and a 16 mo daughter. I want to be healthy for my family and to set a good example for my girls. I’d really love to win this prize pack! Thanks!
.-= Quinn Smith´s last blog ..Quickie =-.
lol! Oh yeah… my small steps have been drinking more water (no more soda and no more than 6 oz. of juice a day), portion control (I eat on a smaller plate and when eatting a sandwich I take off the top piece of bread, and when we eat out I ask for a carry out container when I order, then immediately cut my meal in half and pack half of it for a later meal), i also try to take daily walks with my daughters and if the weather is not conducive to that, I use my 16 mo as exercise equipment (I put on my legs and lift her or bench press her) or my girls and I have a “dance party.” It’s worked so far!
.-= Quinn Smith´s last blog ..Quickie =-.
I walk with a good friend a couple of times per week and it keeps me feeling connected with another woman who understands what it feels like to “juggle” your days.
I subscribe to your RSS on My Yahoo!
I shared my “happy place” on GenuineHealth.com–It’s hanging out with my 11-yr. old daughter and watching “ICarly” episodes. We both love that show!
Hmmmm….Well, I try and walk as much as I can (and trust me, at work I have my share of ladders and then some!) by doing the practical things…parking further away, etc. My friend has also been convincing me to try new classes at the gym.
Other than that…trying to eat as locally as possible with the 100 Mile Diet.
Seriously though…awesome basket!
.-= Melanie´s last blog ..Standing Up For Myself =-.
RT’d 🙂
.-= Melanie´s last blog ..Standing Up For Myself =-.
We try to eat at home ,and find healthier alternatives than we have before. It’s a slow process since I have to learn about and find ingredients I am not familiar with – but it’s easy to find yummy recipes
I subscribed to your rrs
I tweeted here http://twitter.com/fcffollower/status/5085073903
[…] go ahead and enter, and spread the word! The more participants I can get, the more prizes I can give […]
I just shared my Happy Place on Genuine Health (and will share with you):
My happy place is: the moments when I just get home from work, walk in the house, and pick up my cat Lottie. She presses her head against mine, and starts purring up a storm.
When I’m having a rough day, thinking about this moment totally uplifts me. People say having pets isn’t like having kids? Pfttt.
.-= Ashe Mischief´s last blog ..IFB Presents: Links a la Mode =-.
We don’t really eat out or do things like soda, junk food- so that’s health conscious… and I always take the stairs and not the elevator, or have no qualms about parking at the far end of the parking lot.
I’m totally subscribed in Google reader, and I think I tweeted this the other day, but I’ll do it again now just in case…
.-= birdie´s last blog ..The Power of a Dollar Figure =-.
I also added your contest link to the health section of our Wholestyle Roundup at Bonne Vie (will go out later today)
.-= birdie´s last blog ..The Power of a Dollar Figure =-.
W00t! Thanks Birdie! That’s great! 🙂
[…] Ginger Won’t Snap: Get Healthy (& Win) With Genuine Health (giveaway) […]
This is a GREAT contest! What I do to improve my health and well-being … hmmm …
Well, I try to get to the gym at least 3 days a week, but it’s hard with little kids so I don’t always make it. If I can’t I try to put a little extra “umph” into everything I do. If I take the stairs I take them two at a time or carrying both my kids. I do squats while folding my laundry or stretch while making dinner, etc. I drink a ton of water. I also have drastically reduced the amount of meat I eat, opting for large portions of veggies. I believe that your overall wellbeing includes your mind so when I’m cleaning I try to listen to inspirational or motivational material via podcasts on itunes.
P.S. I’m a Canadian reader 🙂
+1 – I’m a subscriber 🙂
I am Canadian! Like to walk the dog most everyday for a minimum 30 minutes as a good strong pace, good for both the dog and I.
I linked to it here:
also I forgot to say, I am a USAian!
.-= Michelle´s last blog ..Saturday Shoe Lust: Wedge Edition =-.
[…] know about: win lots of fun supplements (am I the only one who gets excited by supplements? hmm.) at Ginger Won’t Snap, and you can win a free handbag at Handbag […]
http://www.mischiefmydear.com/dramatispersonae/2009/10/29/tilt-things-i-love-thursday-october/ (This will be live on Thursday– and there’s a link to it there.)
+ USA!
.-= Ashe Mischief´s last blog ..A Saturday State of Mind =-.
I do yoga about 30 min every day, more if I’m feeling stressed.. it really helps!
To improve my health I try to fit in a daily walk.
From Canada 🙂
What a great prize! I would love a chance at winning! To improve my health, I’m trying to drink more water.
.-= Simply Frugal´s last blog ..Mighty Leaf Tea Canada – 15% Off =-.