I have recently embarked on a quest to get myself healthier, taking one baby step at a time.
I don’t really eat well currently, and I’m not exercising enough, either! But I know that if I make any big, sweeping changes in my life I’ll soon give up and go back to my old ways. The key for me is to make small, effective changes that I can incorporate easily into my lifestyle and eventually cause them to become habit (it takes about 3 months of doing something to make it a habit).
As most of you who have been following me know, I recently started taking a product called Greens+ by Genuine Health to help give me an energy boost. I’ll admit it! I was influenced by some of the other blogs out there writing about it, but I knew people who had used it in the past as well. So I picked some up not long ago and have been doing a “test run” to see if it’s any good.
So far, so good!
I’ve been feeling slightly more energetic and more focused, too. The 3pm slump doesn’t hit me so hard and I feel a little bit happier than I think I did before. Its not a miracle food or anything, but it performs well enough for me to recommend it to you. Which is more than I can say for all the other weird superfoods I’ve tried… (don’t ask!)
One thing I really like about Genuine Health is that they’re a Canadian company. It’s important to me to support Canadian business, especially with all the giant American corporations bullying their way into our economy (I still love ya, but you’re all bullies!). Genuine Health also uses top quality ingredients and goes organic whenever possible. Obviously this means a great deal when you have to ingest the stuff for your health!
So this is why I am pleased to announce that I am able to give away two totally stellar Genuine Health prize packs to two lucky readers! And the best part? Both Canadians and Americans can participate!
Here’s what you’ll win:
- Canadian gift basket, retail value $150
Canadian Gift Basket
- US Gift Basket, retail value $150
US Gift Basket
TO ENTER: I want to know what small steps you take everyday to improve your health & well-being. Leave a comment including whether you live in Canada or the US!
For Extra Entries do one or all of the following:
(but leave a separate comment for each!)
Subscribe to my RSS
Blog about this giveaway, with a link back to me.
Share your Happy Place on GenuineHealth.com & post it in the comments
Tweet the following (or something similar) and leave the link to your tweet in the comments
“RT: @gingercorsair Win 1 of 2 @GenuineHealth prize packs from GingerWontSnap.com! Enter now! http://bit.ly/1io1AR“
This contest is open to Canadian and US residents until October 31st 2009. Winners will be chosen from the comments via random.org.
73 responses to “Get Healthy (& WIN!) With Genuine Health!”
I also tweeted your giveaway! http://twitter.com/simplyfrugal/status/5179930982
.-= Simply Frugal´s last blog ..Mighty Leaf Tea Canada – 15% Off =-.
We’ve been juicing fresh veggies and fruits, and trying to do it on a regular basis! I’m in Canada.
I subscribed to your RSS feed. melaniesands[at]yahoo[dot]ca
I shared my “happy place”! melaniesands[at]yahoo[dot]ca
And I tweeted – http://twitter.com/SaywardBC/status/5191550394
I am constantly reminding myself to drink more water everyday and also to take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Tweeted. http://twitter.com/amt946/status/5191890227
Subscribed via Google Reader.
Subscribed to feeds via google reader
To keep healthy, I make sure to reduce my fat intake and drink lots of water.
.-= Ilissa´s last blog ..A Halloween Full of Giveaways! =-.
Here’s my tweet: http://twitter.com/ihchicky/status/5236022847
I forgot to mention that I’m located in Canada.
.-= Ilissa´s last blog ..A Halloween Full of Giveaways! =-.
I shared my happy place with Genuine Health. My happy place is with my family.
I try to drink more water…and cut down on sugar, white flour. I can’t go cold-turkey, or else I can’t think about anything but food–the wrong kind!
I’m in NW Ontario.
I tweeted.
I subscribed to your RSS feed via Google Reader.
[…] days left for a chance to win G+ vitamins at Ginger Won’t Snap! I’ve been seeing these ALL over my google reader lately with great results… […]
I try to be more aware of the carbs I’m eating and limit them. I don’t cut them completely out of my diet because then I’ll just want them more. But say I have a burger for dinner, I eat it with cheese and all the regular condiments but leave off the bun!
I live in the US.
I have a bit of a junk food addiction. I love chocolate and candy, so lately I have been trying to be more mindful of what I’m eating. Just thinking about what I’m eating makes me eat less. No more mindless snacking for me! I’m in Canada
.-= Jonnie H´s last blog ..Here comes the weekend =-.
No matter how hectic my schedule is I try to still eat balanced meals and drink plenty of water throughout the day.
I am from Canada.
I try to set out a little me time every day…usually in the morning before I have to face everyone 🙂 sipping green tea and thinking….
.-= SavingDiva´s last blog ..Working on getting back to where I was… =-.
Tweet http://twitter.com/savingforhome/status/5330545058